

Daily Motivational Thoughts

Have a Great Day...
22nd of February 2021
Know Yourself

Do you spend time with yourself? Do you spend time to know yourself? Have you observed your own thoughts and behavior? During busy day most of the time you are in auto pilot mode. Your action and reaction predominantly remains the same unless you consciously decide to act or react differently.

But why will you change your action or reaction unless you realize it is required. This realization can only come if you analyze your own actions, decisions and behaviors in different situations. And to analyze you have to pay attention to yourself.

Pay attention to your thoughts without any judgement. Try to know yourself from deep inside. Few of your behaviors can be because of some deep rooted feelings or experience. Try to understand those. See if those are still relevant in the present context. If its not you have to consciously and forcefully break it and create something new in its place which is really required now.

The more your know yourself , the better you can create your response to a situation. This new creation will be aligned to your goal and what you want.
