You can feel your presence in one way and your surrounding may perceive your presence in a very different way. A flower probably doesn't know about its own fragrance its spreading and how people gets impacted by that. This is not a deliberate act, it happens all the time involuntarily.
When you pay attention then you realize how people feel when you are around. It is said "We cannot not communicate" means you are communicating all the time through your silence and through body language etc. So it is very important to understand this aspect. You do most of the things focusing on yourself. Spend some time in understanding how you are contributing to your environment.
Observe how people feel when you are around even if not talking. How people feel your presence and what messaging they get from you. When you understand this, you will get the power to change it - if you want. For an example, you may feel you are showing respect but if it is not being perceived by the same way by the people around you then the whole purpose fails. In such cases may be you have to change your ways little bit and you get what you want.
Create your presence in your way!