Many a times things do not work as per your plan. Many a times you put lot of effort in doing something but somehow for some reason it doesn't work. You do not understand what went wrong. It might disturb you that you are looking for an answer for what went wrong so that you can control it in future, but you do not find anything.
Very difficult to justify such situations. But look back in your past and try to see what happened when things did not work as per your plan. Was it always a loss? You may find that you explored other opportunities during those times. Or may be the whole experience made you stronger.
Life teaches you something during the crisis and difficult times. Either it opens up new opportunities for you or it makes you stronger. Nature has its own way to make to you stronger. You may not understand or justify its ways, always.
Whenever something has not gone as per your wish, assume that you are going to get something better than what you had thought of.