

Daily Motivational Thoughts

Have a Great Day...
19th of September 2021

Are you active? Activeness does not mean only working and doing something. Activeness means you are in charge of yourself and you act as per the situation what you should do- both physically and mentally.


Few people are active only for certain things which they like and for rest, they remain passive. Passive means no active reaction and withdrawal from any kind of engagement or involvement. This selective activeness causes great harm to you.


Try being active for everything which is touching you. You might think you will end up overdo things but in reality you will expand your world and you will be able to take up more. Doing more will not cause harm to you, rather it will make you stronger and will allow to take bigger responsibilities.


This is a step by step journey. You will have to allow yourself everytime to take up little more. This process may create little discomfort but this will enhance your abilities. The more your allow yourself to take up , more will come to you and you will be able to deliver more.


To allow yourself to take up more keep yourself in active state. Active means mentally alert so that you know what should be your action next.


Physical and mental activeness will never let you fall in the trap of depression or boredom. There is always more in this universe to explore.


Be active all the time. Rest when it is required as demanded by your body not by your beliefs, perceptions and desires.



