If you are worried about "why every time something happens to me only" then pay attention to your actions! Your same behavior leads to same results. Until you do something differently how can you expect a different result ?
You create your limitations with your own beliefs and assume this is what all what you can do. You do not know what you can do. Human potential and capabilities are unlimited. Believe in your infinite potential. You do not have to prove it to anyone. For a very logical mind it is very difficult to understand how one can be limitless. But just believe and believe. Your believe will create doorways to immense opportunities which you had never known.
You need to make yourself available to that abundance source. For that you must break your own pattern - pattern of thought which leads to pattern of emotions and actions.
Changing your thought sometimes might be difficult. What is easiest is to change the actions. Act differently - act in a way the way you want yourself to be. It can be totally different from what you are now.
Create new habits and try. Until you try new things, you cannot explore on achieving the impossible. Breaking your own limitations is a step towards your intention to be what you desire for.
Change yourself to create a changed YOU!