Whenever you do something there will be obstacles. There will be roadblocks. There will be people around you telling it will not work. There will be lonely paths. There will be no paths at all sometimes. These are bound to happen.
In the midst of all issues, you must focus on only one thing i.e. Your Goal. Your goal is always bigger than your problems. At a particular time, your problem may seem big and you may not see a way out. But in a long run when you look back, all your problems and issues would look very very small in front of the purpose you are driving.
Your focus on goal will take you through every trouble and every obstacles. It will keep showing you way ahead as you keep going. Do not stop ever. Even if you do not know what is next, do not stop. Do not quit. Take every single step by keeping faith in the supreme which has given you strength to go on.
Trust your instinct when there is a doubt. Trust the universal power that you will be taken care and your interest will be taken care. Just keep your focus on the goal.
When you have your eyes on the goal, your positive energy will drive you and you will get the strength to do your best. Your effort and desire to do the best is your fuel to move ahead.
Do not let this fuel burn out. The only way to keep you in high spirit is to keep the eye on the goal without any distraction. Once done, no one can stop you to achieve your goal!