


Rashmi Verma

Rehabilitation importance increases day by day. It is a process to provide proper help, knowledge, and skills needed for people that are physically, and psychologically disabled. It focuses on an individual's needs as well as on family and society. It tries to fulfill people's needs for a better life. It includes care, support, therapy, intervention, etc. So we can say that It is the set of influences, procedures, and resources to be applied both to the disabled and the environment. It helps people to be independent and get social support and integration.


Reducing disability, 

Develop self-confidence, independence,

Help people to restore good and useful life,

 Help them get social integration, 

To provide a hassle-free environment to get opportunities to fulfilling their needs,

To develop services according to people's needs,

         Rehabilitation's main objective is to help people to restore and get impaired functioning of people with disability. Now it works on an inclusion development basis of people.

Types of Rehabilitation

Physical Rehabilitation- It is a common rehabilitation service that is working for the last many years. It includes services like surgery after the accident, restoring physical functioning, and physiotherapy. When a person faces problems in function or mobility due to an accident and other reasons then they can be cured through physical rehabilitation. It focuses on helping people with disability that lost their body parts.

Cognitive Rehabilitation- When a person faces cognitive impairment, or problem, then which therapy is used for their recovery, it is cognitive rehabilitation. It is a bunch of therapies that can make a change in the cognition area. Neuropsychological assessment is very important for cognitive rehabilitation.

Drug Rehabilitation- There is also an important type of rehabilitation. with physical and psychological and social support, drug rehabilitation is a big role in some conditions, like alcohol, and drug abuse cases. It makes it easy to function in daily life. Now there are many drug rehabilitation centers.

Vocational Rehabilitation- It focuses on prevocational and vocational training and education, vocational guidance, and counseling, job analysis, provides skills development training and helps disabled people to get a job according to their ability, and needs for their independence satisfaction living. So we can say that in this process several stages are included like evaluation, career counseling, training, job placement, employment support, etc.