

Importance of counseling for Health-related issues

Rashmi Verma


 Counseling is a strategy that is used for the improper behavior of individuals and helps them to understand and identify about him/herself in a better and positive way and developed the ability to take the right decisions. There is a trained person who is a counselor for it.

Counseling is extremely important for health-related problems like Cancer, HIV, Diabetes Mellitus, etc.

In these health problems,  clients face different types of problems like mental trauma, stress, financial problems, and isolation from friends and family. Then counselors try to help the patient to accept reality without going into depression, stress, and denial and blaming themselves or others. In different diseases, clients blame themselves and others. So in this situation counselor try to bring acceptance to the client and family members so that they realize and accept the present condition.

The counselor makes the client resolve the stress with family and friends. He tries to bring positive and sensible outlooks with positive expectations.

You know many different issues develop in clients during these health-related issues like shock, rejection, blaming, withdrawal and separation, body image issues fears linked to sex, and intimacy. When these problems are identified, he/she loses a sense of security and control which can be terrifying.

In a counseling session, the counselor tries to know the stage of the client, likewise, he/ she is shocked, denied, realization, accepting, and blaming others. The client may also worry about social isolation and the future. Sometimes we see that cancer can be the reason for spouse and family separations. Most of the time families and friends have no idea how to deal with the patient’s emotional conditions.  So, counselors try to acknowledge the family members and friends about the client’s present conditions.

With health-related patients counselors do and don’ts

He should

Calm and stable

Provide a relaxing environment to the client

Don’t interrupt when the client is talking

Motivate the client to relax and say them be in present and not worry about the future.


He should not

Do not give to a client any assurance.

A counselor should maintain his /her facial expression

Do not sympathize

A session will be planned according to the problem

The counselor should not be biased about any client.