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Shubhashree Singh : अनुशासन है जरुरी.... ना की मजबूरी !
Shubhashree Singh : बच्चे इंसान है, कीमती सामान नहीं
Shubhashree Singh : आप भी अगर बच्चे होते !
Shubhashree Singh : ये रिश्ते क्या कह जाते हैं ?
Shubhashree Singh : पंख आप दें, उड़ान वो भरेंगे
Shubhashree Singh : रुकिये - बच्चे भी आपको सुन रहे हैं
Shubhashree Singh : बच्चो में बचत करने की आदत बचपन से ही डालें


You are not alone! Each of us is having some issue which can be resolved by taking proper guidance from the Experts.
We have wide network of Experts and Therapists who can help you to solve your issues.
Submit your request and our expert team will find the right counselor for you !
Create a beautiful
life for yourself!
Do not get stuck with your issues! Do not delay! Connect with the right experts to move ahead!