When you look back you may find many situations in life where a different action or reaction from you would have created a better or different result. Most of the time in a day you are in auto-pilot mode where you react to the situations.
When you start doing things with little more awareness then you train yourself to respond differently than what you do in auto pilot mode. When you are aware , you take little time to respond. In that small space of time you try to come out with a better response than your default reaction. This gives an immense control to you on how you can control your situation through your response.
Slowing down your response to any situation creates a better understanding of the situation and gives you an ability to choose a better option to respond. This is a great power. If you exercise it properly, you can turn things to your favour very easily.
When you are given a choice , you will always choose the best. When you have this power, why not to exercise it?
Move from being slave of your response to be a king of your choice!