

Daily Motivational Thoughts

Have a Great Day...
17th of June 2021
Your Relationships

The most beautiful thing which we human cherish is the relationship and attachment with others. Relationships give comfort and happiness. Sometimes these relationships give pain which is unbearable.

To build any relationship between 2 people, contribution is needed from both sides. There are one sided relations as well but they are not so complex and mostly gives happiness. When someone puts more into a relationship and does not get the same reciprocation from the other party, it hurts.

Is it possible to be in a relationship without expecting anything from the other person? Yes, it is possible and if you achieve this then be sure you will never get hurt. Without expecting when  you get from others it will be an added happiness. Expectations in relationships is the cause of all pain.

You observe your relationships with everyone around you -family, friends and colleagues. I am sure you enjoy these relations. Check what is your expectations from others. Is that the reason for you getting hurt most of the time? If so, experiment by cutting down your expectations from few of them for few days. See what changes this action brings.

You will definitely see a shift in your attitude towards others and you actions towards others. The biggest impact will be on yourself - you will sense immense satisfaction and peace.

