

Daily Motivational Thoughts

Have a Great Day...
17th of January 2021
Your Emotions and Reactions

You are exposed to many information all the time in your environment. You are able to register only few of them consciously.  How these information will impact you depends upon your present state.

You would have noticed, when you are very happy then the whole world looks beautiful and all people look good to you. But when you are hit by some bad experience, the whole world looks very painful and you suspect the intention of every people. This is the nature of human being. For humans, emotions drive the reaction to the external world.

Now emotion is dependent upon the external happening. If something good happens, you are happy. If something did not happen in your way you are unhappy. It is a vicious circle. Lets try to break this vicious circle.

Firstly, practice that even if you are not in good state, you will look at every situation and people positively. It is not easy. Controlling your emotion and not getting driven by it is a great skill. But try to develop it. It is not impossible.

Secondly, try not to get impacted by the external world very easily. Create a gap where whatever happens in the world, your emotional state will not vary too much.

If you are able to break this cycle in someway you will see a big difference in the quality of your relationship with the outside world. You will find the world is assisting you to move ahead and do good. You will be a better version of yourself everyday.    

