Do you know you are a great help to other persons ? You might feel that you have nothing to give. But you must know that you are an infinite source who can enrich many other lives.
Every person has ability to impact and assist other lives around. And you too! You have tremendous potential inside you. You just need to tell yourself -You can do it.
You are a valuable life and have enough resources with you to live your life. Just look around and see the people around you. Everyone has some or the other problem. Few might be emotionally hurt , few might be in physical pain, few might be in relationship issues, few might be struggling with career and few might be facing the same issues what you are facing.
You will see there are many, whom you can help. Your little help can make a big difference to many lives. Help is not always in terms of money or object. It can be just listening someone patiently who can just share and vent out to you. It can being a friend to someone who doesn't have anyone around. It can be providing a trusting support who do not have it.
So just come out of your own world and look around to provide your help to someone. You can do wonders in someone's life with your positive intent.