You are a thinking person. Always thinking something. Thoughts are a great gift to humans. Thoughts give the power to think before it becomes reality through your response.
Your body parts are very obedient and rarely goes out of control. Thoughts are not like that. Most of the time thoughts drive you rather you controlling your thoughts.
Thoughts create your emotions and feelings. Which then decides your words and actions. Keeping a check on your thoughts is very important. Your thoughts are very creative, it can start on one subject and then land up somewhere else by somehow linking some events. It can knit everything beautifully. It is good for entertainment. But if unattended it can create some negative emotions which may not be real.
Many a times you do not suffer for any real event but suffer because you just thought about it. So be very careful what you are thinking. If it is going in some nonconstructive direction, immediately divert the direction.
Watch your thoughts ! Your thoughts are creating your reality. Create the reality what you want.