

Daily Motivational Thoughts

Have a Great Day...
12th of July 2021
Spread Your Wings

You have only one life to try out everything what you want. You must live to the best of your capabilities. Do not be your own bottleneck in the path of progress.


Now how can you be your own bottleneck you must be thinking. This you create by doing too much scrutinization of your desires and actions, giving importance to others thoughts and making yourself weaker by focusing on negativity.


Do not worry how far you can go and how high you can fly. You just try your best in your situation. Do not compare yourself with anyone in this whole world. Focus on your actions and what you want. If you are aligned here then no one can stop you.


You must spread your wings to fly as much as you can. You must be the best of yourself. You must give your best effort to achieve your dreams. You must do the best to fulfil your own desires.


Do not restrict yourself with any limited  thoughts. Spread your wings with confidence and faith. You will go higher and higher, from there world will look beautiful to you.



