

Daily Motivational Thoughts

Have a Great Day...
9th of March 2021
Feedback and Corrections

The society around you is such that it will keep giving you feedback and reviews even if you have not asked for. Isn't it? If these feedbacks are good you float in cloud nine but if its the other way round then you feel low and depressed.

Feedback is important for growth. But there is a big risk. I am sure you do not want to hear anything bad about yourself. If you keep looking for appreciation from everyone then you must be ready to receive criticism as well. If you show too eagerness for feedback then people will be quick to judge you. You want genuine feedback which can make you a better person.

First of all you be your own critic and see yourself as third person. Provide yourself feedback and take steps what you want to become. Second consider feedback from people who really care for you like your parents or close friends.

No one is perfect in this world but everyone can try to be better and better everyday. Feedback and corrections are for those who want to learn and grow.
