Most of the time you are busy in your own need and own challenges. You are running after fulfilling your dreams and wishes all the time. Sometime you hit success , sometimes disappointment.
The journey goes on....and will go on like this.
From your busy schedule take some time off and look around for what you have. Just say a silent 'Thank You' to the universe for whatever you have. You might be remembering the almighty during prayers for asking what you need. Sometimes pay your gratitude for what you have received till date. Even though you feel what you have is less but stop to say thank you for that as well.
You do not have to show it off to anyone. Your silent gratitude will reach to the universe. What is needed is your intent and your feelings.
Be thankful for what you have received till now. This way you attract more abundance and pushes all negative energies away. This is cleansing activity where you become receptive to the blessings of the universe.
Be thankful! Be Grateful!