

Stress and its type

Rashmi Verma

Stress has become our part of life. It affects the person of all ages and affects them in any form. There are no definite criteria for stress in an individual’s life. It can be at the workplace, family, or in the future, for examination. The amount of stress is dependent on many factors like relationships, physical health, expectation from others, dependency on others, and any physical or emotional trauma. Other factor factors are causes of stress in daily life like unhealthy food/eating habits, poor time management, personality, aggressiveness, etc. Stress can be a cause of poor adjustment to the environment.

This means, there are external and internal factors of stress. When a person faces difficulty in the workplace, fatigue, workload, disturbance in the relationship, etc. these are external factors. Internal factors affect the person’s ability, physical capacity, mental health, etc.

Sometimes stress is good. It gives people motivation and people also succeed in life due to stress but if stress is prolonged in life without any reason, then it can be harmful.

Types of stress 

Acute stress- It is a temporary type of stress faced by a person when he/ she faces any unexpected situation. This is easily manageable. 

Episodic stress - When a person gets a situation for a period or episode then it is episodic stress. It can be favorable or unfavorable like when a person expects any promotion or praise but do not then it affects our feeling and emotions, any situation which is out of control like divorce, disaster, etc. During this period people feel headaches, insomnia, fatigue, etc.

Chronic stress – It is a stage where the situation is out of control. In this situation, a person can be mentally disturbed, frustrated, and affected by chronic disease or mental illness. 

Consequences of stress

Memory difficulty, Poor judgment, focus on negative factors, increased anxiety level, frustration, loneliness, depressive behavior, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, nausea, disturbed eating, isolation, nail-biting, etc.

Coping with stress

  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Relaxation and Meditation
  • Autogenic training
  • Imagery technique 
  • Social support
  • Yoga 
  • Time management
  • Change your thinking etc.